Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.
Hey guys, I've bought a brand new 2020 RDX A-spec 7days ago and already having so many problems with this car. I am getting things fixed but the main problem is when my car is on P, and lightly put my foot on the brake pedal I feel this small kick(big 1 sec vibrate feeling?) every 15-30 seconds continuously and that feeling comes all the way up to the handle. I took it to the service and they are saying it's from the AC compression so it's normal. No other cars that I have droven previously has ever done that . That small tapping kick is very annoying so I'm trying to figure out if it's only me having this problem. This only happens when it's on park and even does it when I have my ac off. How can this be normal?
The day when I picked up my car I found so many light scratches on both sides of back bumper so they buffed it out, back window makes this squicky noise so they had to order parts to replace the rubber, front seat B Pillar does not stay in place so they ordered the parts to replace it, hood gap is uneven so they did the adjustment. I am so disapointed at Acura and regret so much for buying this car with that amount of money.
Hey everyone, I am Eric a new 2020 Acura RDX A-Spec owner this is my first Acura but my mom had a 2006 TL 6 speed manual when I was in college that was a blast to drive. I currently live in Charleston and work for a French based chemical company in Technical Sales. Attached are a few pics! Looking forward to being apart of this community and seeing everyone's Acura.
PS I traded in a 2007 Volvo S60 and I am not used to technology in cars!
Just started happening recently. Not related to main relay, went through that before.
Get to my car and try to start it up. Turn key, everything electrical powers up no problem, radio, interior lights etc. Doesn't crank doesn't start.
So somehow in my two hours stuck in the parking lot I scanned some comments of pulling the clock fuse on the passenger side. I know this resets the ECU. After I pulled it and swapped it with another one, car cranks up no issues.
Then few days later same thing. Doesn't matter if hot or cold start. It'll crank up after I pull the fuse and put the same one back in and car starts up.
Anyone with any input on why it would do that?
After doing the AV6 swap this is a minor thing to deal with but I'd like to get it fixed.
Mom's 2003 CL will not start anymore. For a year and a half it would sporadically not start, always cranks but would not turn over but then would eventually turn over after waiting or trying more times, then would start fine and drive fine for months, then for the past 2 or 3 months it would not start anymore again but then start if you waited, no real pattern, always cranks. One time it did conk out on her on the road when stopped but she got it started again. After a 2 week vacation it started fine but now it won't start at all no matter what, still cranks. Lights come on when key goes in, battery fully charged and new. We replaced the Fuel relay sensor under the steering wheel and it made no difference, solder points were good on old one. Spark plugs are bone dry, no smell of fuel, does not appear to be any spark when we check when cranking but not sure if I am doing it right. Any ideas?
Were currently in the market for a new vehicle and the 2020 RDX A-spec SH-AWD is at the top of our list. However, I have a few questions Id like to ask current owners.
1. The dealer we went to said all their cars have Lojack installed. Is that something that can be removed or would we need to special order one without or go to a dealer that doesnt install it?
2. We were kinda surprised to hear that the car doesnt have a spare tie, just an emergency repair kit. Does this kit need to be replaced if used and if so how much is it?
3. I read some posts about people being required to by an extended warranty. Is this a standard practice for the Acura? I have no intention of buying an extended warranty and would not purchase the RDX if it is a requirement.
4. Ive seen a lot of complaints about the infotainment system yet Im having a hard time finding what the specific issues are. Perhaps its just bad all around, I dont know but would like to know what the shortcomings are before purchasing.
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.
I cant find the radio antenna within the Navi model. Im trying to enter my radio code but the code wont take. I know its the right code and have verified it as well. Ive seen about disconnecting the radio antenna but have only seen tutorials on the base model and not Navi. Any help?
I have major leather damage on the passenger front seat back of my 08 TL-S. I found a used one with minimal wear on eBay and am going to replace it myself. I was hoping someone out there has taken one of them out before and perhaps even removed the back from the seat and could give some insight as to any kind of PITA issues I may come across. I'm obviously going to start by disconnecting the battery and then removing the bolts that anchor the seat to the floor pan and disconnect any electrical connectors. After that, I did find a youtube video for an 05 TL base seat leather replacement and with the seat out it appeared that there were only some electrical connections to disconnect and four, I believe, 14mm bolts on each side of the seat back attaching it to the base. Seemed pretty cut and dry, however in my 20+ years of experience in auto servicing, nothing you do for the first time ever goes as planned! So any intel would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
New member to the forum. Scooped this car up from a forum member in July and sold my 05 TSX. Travelled from CT to PA to buy it, been looking for a clean lower mileage 6-speed Type S for a long time and finally found it. Car has some mods already done to it and I plan on continuing to modify and maintain this car for as long as it lives. Love how helpful this forum is for DIY people so I figured why not join!
This is my TSX, currently working on it, Im looking for some coils and new exhaust system, for the exhaust Im looking at Greddy supreme sp, and suggestion This is my TSX, currently working on it, Im looking for some coils and new exhaust system, for the exhaust Im looking at Greddy supreme sp, and suggestion This is my TSX, currently working on it, Im looking for some coils and new exhaust system, for the exhaust Im looking at Greddy supreme sp, and suggestion This is my TSX, currently working on it, Im looking for some coils and new exhaust system, for the exhaust Im looking at Greddy supreme sp, and suggestion
Just showing off my 03 one owner 6 speed CL with a slight drop and oem 19 Accord Touring 19" wheels New Oem road lights My TL and CL in the morning dew
Last month Acura had a nice 0.9% APR for 60-months on the RDX. Unfortunately, we weren't ready to buy at that time and now that we're ready it's gone. So I wanted to see what are the best financing deals you've seen recently on the RDX. I already told the dealer we're now waiting until Acura has another promo. My wife and I both have 840+ Fico's so we're accustom to paying zero interest of very low interest if necessary.