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So a few years back I rented a Uhaul Trailer..

then this happened.
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The story:

It was 2:00 AM in Texas. Making a perfectly legal u-turn, when out of nowhere a 16 year old in a 2 ton pickup drove through the trailer. I looked, my buddy looked neither of us saw him. I am 99% sure he had no lights on. Anyhow A police officer happened to be coming across the overpass and all she sees is a wheel coming towards her. She puts her lights on... Comes up and says is everyone OK, ironically the Toyota Tacoma we were towing the trailer with was completely untouched. The kid in the pickup, who, incidentally had no business being on the road as he was not old enough to be on the road alone at that time of day, was OK too. Pissed but OK.

So the cop says "I don't mean to pry, but, where's all your stuff??" we both laughed because we helped a friend move and drove the uhaul out and it was cheaper to do it round trip than one way. So anyhow she laughs we laugh, the two truck arrives. The force of the accident has fused the trailer hitch to the ball. The tow truck driver is using a jack on the trailer and the whole truck is just going up in the air with it. So after some hits with a sledge hammer, the truck falls off of the trailer and we are on our way.

I did get a ticket for an illegal u-turn, which I fought by mail. And won. The u-turn was completely legal, the kid who hit me was not. So the trailer had the safe move insurance so that was covered, and the truck Geico paid the claim and didn't raise rates! the kid got like 4K out of the accident which was totally unfair but I think it was cheaper than me having to fly back to Texas to appear in a court.

Anyhow the day after we get back to jersey, I get a call from Uhaul asking where the trailer was. Guess when you report the accident to Uhaul they don't tell the place you rented it from. I told him what happened and he said "so you're not going to return it today?" I said well i could have dragged it home on the two remaining wheels but it probably would've been dangerous. He wasn't amused.

That's my story. Sorry so long winded. And pointless but I found the pictures after having put the whole incident out of mind and thought who better to share with than AcuraZine :thumbsup:

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