So my neighbour told me this morning that she saw two thieves trying to steal my car last night at 4am. She yelled and they ran, but not before they started dismantling my steering column. The sad part is I'm not sure if I left my doors unlocked, or if they could have picked the key lock to unlock the doors and disarm the alarm. Either way, the only damage was to a little aluminum box that contains a switch (see pics). I'm trying to figure out what this part does. The alarm system still works and the cars starts and drives fine.
![Click the image to open in full size.]()
They removed the 3 screws!
![Click the image to open in full size.]()
This is the only visibly damaged part.
![Click the image to open in full size.]()
They broke off the cover, exposing some sort of spring loaded switch.
![Click the image to open in full size.]()
The part that has the circle on it is some sort of spring loaded switch.

They removed the 3 screws!

This is the only visibly damaged part.

They broke off the cover, exposing some sort of spring loaded switch.

The part that has the circle on it is some sort of spring loaded switch.