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The mushy brake pedal 2nd gen tl diy cheap fix

So from what ive read around the forums pertaining to the mushy brake pedal everyone has been having especially with the 2nd gen tl and lots of people seem to be having this problem as well as me, and after almost a gallon of dot 4 brake fluid flushes and bleeding lmao it didn't go away, well the brake pedal would firm up right after the bleeding but slowly come back, so now from what i gather after eliminating almost all other sources of leaks etc. i stumbled upon what could some people have said could be the culprit being the abs modulator leaking air back into the brake system, and it seems as tho air is some how getting in, so after 15 mins of looking around for more leak around the abs modulator i thought hmmm you know these little holes on the abs modulator body are plugged up by little bbs and some kind of plastic seal, so i thought to myself maybe the air is leaking in through them, i know that the holes themselves were drilled in order to have galley ways in the production of these things and then plugged back up with usually bb's or hex plug machine screws, but in this case acura chose bb's so i went ahead and cleaned up all the little sand and dirt debris from them the best i could with brake cleaner and a toothbrush, after that i plugged up the face of the bb holes with some gasket sealant, then i proceeded with bleeding the brakes one more time front driver/pass/left/right rear, and in a nut shell walla!!! no more squishy soft brake pedal action, so for those who dont want to spend lots of molla on a new abs unit from the stealership this is a great, and easy fix.:thumbsup: Dont forget the ones on the sides on both sides, And also on another note it seems as if lots of people are having alot of dull knocking noises from there engines, so i ask has anyone suspected wrist pin noise as the culprit? i know it's not my rod bearings cause i just installed new ones with proper plastigauge clearances, the noise is soo disconcerting.:yuck:

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